As you plan your vacation outfits, travel essentials and carry-on entertainment, it’s also vital to add home maintenance to your vacation prep list. From cleaning to safety precautions, preparing your home for your absence will pay off when you come home to a clean, secure house. Read on for ways to prepare your home for your summer vacation.
Surface Clean
Coming home to a clean house after traveling is the best way to ensure you can hold on to your relaxation mode a little longer. A clean house before your vacation will also prevent fruit flies or other bugs from mysteriously appearing. Or, scheduling your trusted cleaning service to come while you’re on vacation will ensure you come home to a crisp, spotless home.
Clean Out the Refrigerator
Before your departure, clean out all the perishable food items from your refrigerator. Either freeze, get creative with meals, or throw out the items, so you don’t come home to a fridge full of rotten, spoiled food. Be sure to take out the garbage so the food doesn’t linger in your garbage can.
Unplug Electronics
Unplugging your electronics, such as televisions, routers, computers, charging stations, coffee maker and toaster, will reduce the risk of an electrical fire and lower your energy bill, as you don’t need to use the power when you’re gone.
Empty the Washer and Dryer
Check the washing machine to ensure you don’t leave any wet clothes sitting in the machine that will collect mildew and foul odors when you’re away. Also, run the last load in the dryer before departure to avoid any potential fire hazards.
Cancel the Mail
Contact the post office to put your mail at home, or ask a friend or neighbor to stop by and gather your mail when you’re gone.
Remember Garbage Day
If you’re going to be gone for an extended period, ask a neighbor to take out your garbage and bring the bins back to your house so the trash doesn’t collect in your bins and the containers don’t remain at the curb signaling no one is home.
Double-Check Windows
While it’s likely you will go around and secure all the doors, there may be a few windows that are cracked open. So secure any open windows to eliminate any potential entry points.
Control Your Smart Home Remotely
A smart home will allow you to control much of the functionality remotely. For example, a smart lighting system will allow you to control the lights remotely from your phone, turning them on and off during different times of the day, so it will realistically appear that someone is in your home. You can also control your TV remotely, turning it on for several hours every evening. Finally, prior to your arrival home, use your smart thermostat to turn on the air conditioning, so you arrive home to a cool and comfortable house.