With the holidays just around the corner, fall marks the perfect time of year to declutter and reset. Between fall and winter gatherings and winter gift-giving occasions, you’ll likely want to cull your belongings to make clean-up easier. This also can help make room for any new items you or your children may receive this year. These fall decluttering ideas are perfect for homeowners who want to head into the holiday season with an organized and decluttered home.
Have a Plan for Your Extras
The key to decluttering is to know what you’re going to do with your items after you have decluttered them. Keeping everything in your home with the plan to address it at a later date, will inevitably lead to frustration. Whether you choose to donate or sell your extra items, be sure that you have a plan.
Consider a Neighborhood Sale
Garage sales are always better when more people join. Consider joining with your neighborhood to host a block sale. Be mindful of the weather, host in your garage, and be sure to use a popup tent or two, if needed. Have a few neighborhood kids set up a hot chocolate stand for some extra money and to keep shoppers warm and engaged! A neighborhood sale ensures more shoppers will come for a deal, and you’ll have a hard deadline to declutter.
Evaluate Your Kitchen
With large holiday feasts in the near future, you’ll want all the kitchen space you can manage. Give yourself the counter space and storage you can manage by getting rid of kitchen gadgets and small appliances that you don’t use. Keep in mind, if you won’t use it for an upcoming holiday dinner, chances are high that you don’t need it. Any items you only use once a year, should be stored separately from your daily items or can be borrowed from friends, possibly even, your local library.
Gift All Aged-Out Toys
If you have children in your home, you know the battle of too many toys can take its toll. Now is the ideal time to donate to families in need. Gift any gently used toys that your kids are too old to enjoy. This will leave room for any gifted toys from the holiday seasons and will help ensure that less fortunate children in your area have an excellent holiday too.