If you’ve been searching for a home in a competitive market with no luck in finding the house for you, it’s hard to stay motivated in your search. It can be challenging if you’re up against cash offers, escalation clauses with no caps, appraisal gaps and you don’t have unlimited time to search. If you’re feeling discouraged about your search and you’re looking for ways to feel reenergized about the process, read on for ways to stay motivated as a buyer in a competitive market.
Work with a professional
Navigating your home search with a real estate agent whom you trust is key to staying engaged in your home search. Conducting thorough research and interviewing multiple agents will give you peace of mind that you’re working with the professional who is the best partner for you and can ideally help you find a property that exceeds your expectations.
Be prepared
In a competitive market, moving quickly will be your most significant advantage. Whether you make a cash offer or will have a mortgage, having the funding organized will enable you to move quickly. If you’re making an all-cash offer, having the funds available will help create a smooth process. Or, if you will be using a mortgage loan, then having a pre-approval letter and lender will allow you to move through the mortgage process quickly.
Search early
When you’re setting up times to see homes, the earlier you can see them the better. When a listing goes on the market, make an appointment to see it. In a competitive market, this approach can be exhausting but necessary to have the chance to get your offer in before competing offers. Schedule morning showings instead of evening showings so you can see the home before your day becomes too busy, you’re too tired and decision fatigue sets in. Viewing the house in the morning can mean that your offer is written up, before other buyers even had the opportunity to see the house.
Focus on what you can control
The home buying and selling process means there can be many factors that are beyond your control. Focusing on what you can control can help you better keep your sights on the finish line to reduce any feelings of fatigue or anxiety during the process. Preparing your own home to sell, such as clearing out your belongings you no longer need, getting a head start on packing, creating a list of repairs that need to be made, as well as researching movers, painters and contractors for your new home can help you stay invested in the process.
Take a break when you need it
If you’re not finding the house that fits your requirements, taking a break from the real estate process may mean that you will return to the home search process feeling more motivated and renewed energy. Focus on doing activities that energize you, such as going for a run, going to a yoga class, spending time with friends and family, or taking a vacation. Then, when you’re ready to begin searching again, you may feel more motivated and prepared to find your future home.