If you’re like many homeowners, your attic is probably filled with boxes, plastic bins, and odds and ends. If it’s gotten so cramped that you have trouble finding things, the problem might not be due to a lack of space. You might not be using the available square footage as well as you could. Here are some ways to increase the amount of storage space in your attic.
Create a Plan
The main reason why attics get cluttered is a lack of planning and organization. Go through everything in your attic and figure out what to get rid of and what to keep. After you’ve done that, take stock and figure out the best way to organize what’s left.
Group items into categories and assign each category to a specific area. Think about which items you tend to use most often and put them in places where they’ll be easily accessible. Things that you use less frequently can be relegated to more out-of-the-way locations.
Organize Items in Bins
Plastic bins are a better storage option than cardboard boxes and trash bags. Plastic containers can protect your belongings from dust, moisture, insects, and animals. If you purchase several bins that are the same size, you’ll be able to stack them and take advantage of whatever vertical space you have.
Clear storage bins are ideal. You’ll be able to easily see what’s inside so you won’t have to waste time opening several containers to find the item you’re looking for.
Use All Available Storage Space
If your attic has a relatively high ceiling, invest in some shelves where you can store items with irregular shapes that won’t fit well in bins. If you put bins on shelves, you’ll be able to simply pull out the container you need without having to move others that are stacked on top of it.
Instead of putting bulky clothes in bins, hang them on a rod. That will save you a lot of space and allow you to quickly find what you’re looking for. Hanging a rack from the ceiling is another way to utilize vertical space that’s currently going unused.
If your attic has exposed trusses, you can install hooks to hang clothing, baskets, and other bulky or irregularly shaped items. You can even install platforms or shelves between the trusses.
If your attic doesn’t currently have a floor, you can create a raised floor. That will let you convert previously unused space to a storage area and make it easier to safely walk around the attic.
Label Everything
When you put items into storage, clearly label every container or shelf. That will help you and your family save time and avoid frustration since you’ll immediately know where to look for things. You’ll also know where to put things back when you’ve finished using them, which will help you keep the attic organized.