If you’ve incorporated composting into your daily routine as a great way to make your own nutrient-rich soil, and reduce food waste while you’re at it, you’re probably enjoying putting scraps to good use instead of into the trash.
But in order to develop usable compost, there are certain food items that should never be added. Review this list from the gardening experts at Martha Stewart and make sure they never land in your compost bin:
Meat and bones. While meat is compostable, it can attract pests and local wildlife, in addition to being a breeding ground for bacteria. Avoid any issues by not tossing meat scraps into your compost pile.
Dairy products. Products like milk, cheese, yogurt and sour cream will omit a foul smell while decomposing, and also attract pests, so don’t include them in your compost. Egg shells, however, are a perfect addition, since they’re rich in calcium.
Oils and fats. Since oils and fats do not break down like other food remains, they can take years to decompose. Avoid the risk and leave them out of your compost heap.
Processed grain. Grains like bread and pasta release a significant amount of nitrogen, which can disrupt the balance of your compost pile. Too many grains in your compost can also lead to mold growth. That said, a small amount shouldn’t cause harm.
Receipts. While paper can be a beneficial addition to your compost thanks to its carbon content, which helps balance the nitrogen found in food scraps, avoid composting receipts and shipping labels. These products are printed on thermal paper, which contains harmful chemicals like BPA.
Glossy, colorful cardboard. The high-color gloss found on printed cardboard contains heavy metals, which may be harmful to your garden. Opt for brown, corrugated cardboard instead, an excellent addition to a compost heap.
Diseased plant material. Temperatures are not high enough to kill off any fungi or bacteria your plant is afflicted with, which may result in your compost spreading disease or pests to your garden. Put these clippings into the trash instead.
Charcoal ash. A small amount of ash from your wood burning stove is fine to add to your compost pile, but avoid adding ashes from charcoal or coal. These substances contain high levels of sulfur, which can be harmful to your garden plants, not to mention chemicals often found in charcoal briquettes.
Avocado and citrus peels. Given their tough exteriors, avocado and citrus skins will take a long time to break down in your compost pile. If you do choose to add them, be sure to cut them into small pieces first.