When it comes to home warranty providers in the Memphis, Tenn., market, the competition is fierce. For Bill Maury—vice president and broker at Coldwell Banker Collins-Maury—First American Home Buyers Protection Corporation has gone above and beyond in offering his buyer and seller clients added peace of mind for the past 10 years.
Not only is Maury comfortable with First American—and the team that works behind the scenes—he is nothing short of pleased with the service he has received over the years. In fact, Maury is such a huge proponent of First American’s home warranties that he purchased a policy when he and his wife downsized a few years ago. “I absolutely love my First American home warranty,” says Maury, who goes on to say that being a policyholder himself makes it that much easier to get his clients onboard.
While the home warranty policies offered through First American are instrumental when it comes to helping homeowners keep home systems and appliances running smoothly, Maury notes that the working relationship that’s been established with First American’s Area Manager Christy Stokes is an integral piece of the puzzle.
“Christy is a regular face around our offices,” says Maury. “Whether she’s coming to our sales meetings to provide warranty updates or making herself available when our agents have questions or problems, she’s always there when we need her.”
But the benefits associated with working with First American extend even further.
“In today’s market, offering a home warranty has a lot to do with risk management in that it removes the seller from the property after the sale has closed,” says Maury. “Home warranties also go a long way toward providing the buyer a level of comfort in knowing that if a covered system fails, it’ll be repaired.”
For Maury, who sells between 50 – 60 homes a year, the biggest hurdle in getting clients to purchase a home warranty comes in the form of education—or lack thereof. “When working with buyers, the vast majority of them are uneducated about warranties,” says Maury, “or they have a preconceived notion that warranties aren’t any good.”
According to Maury, combatting these two issues begins with educating the client from the get-go. “When we sit down to write an offer, I always bring up the warranty,” says Maury, who notes that it’s very rare that they don’t ask the seller to provide a warranty for the buyer. “While most buyers are uneducated when it comes to home warranties, it’s the agent’s responsibility to inform the buyer of their numerous advantages. Once the buyer realizes the benefits, they become a fan.”
For more information, please visit www.homewarranty.firstam.com.