Today’s buyer will search online at some point during the buying process. When they do, it’s crucial that your business and contact information show up at the top of the search results. Many people think that this can cost thousands of dollars, but you can do a lot of the work yourself through social media. Here are a few tips to get you started on the major social networks.
Setting up a Facebook page for your business is an excellent way to reach out to clients and their friends and family. To keep them interested, be sure to feature lifestyle content, in addition to your listings. Show your expertise by posting photos and information about the neighborhood schools, new cafes and upcoming events. Ask questions, run local promotions, do all you can to engage readers and build a connection. By reaching out and sharing your knowledge about the community, you can become the go-to real estate professional in the area.
Twitter lets you communicate quickly and keeps you connected. Just like Facebook, your listings should not take up your whole feed. Tweet links to helpful articles about securing a mortgage or renovation tips. Offer incentives for visiting your open houses, encourage others to post pictures, make comments and share your tweets. Use hashtags so your tweets will be found by more than your followers, and make every word count. Remember, you’ve only got 140 characters to engage readers.
YouTube videos are a smart way to promote yourself and the properties you represent. Have someone with a steady hand shoot short videos of you showcasing your listings and the neighborhood sites that appeal to potential buyers. Be sure to identify yourself in each video with your name and contact information.
As the most visual of the social media sites, Pinterest lets you set up colorful boards with images of the neighborhood, decorating trends, renovation tips, your personal interests and listings. Your clients can engage by saving pins to their own boards, or liking and commenting on the images. With Pinterest, you can draw clients in by using visuals to paint a more complete picture of what you can offer them along with your listings.
For more on how to use social media to help grow your business, visit