In a session with a coaching client the other day, he asked me, “Why is it so hard to pick up the phone?” He said that he schedules in the time to prospect every day, but when it comes time to actually pick up the phone, he freezes and can’t bring himself to do it. He explained, “It doesn’t matter if it’s a cold call or a lead where I have to follow up; either way, I can’t make myself do it.”
I asked him what he thinks about when it’s time to prospect and he said, “I tell myself it won’t work” or “Nobody wants to hear from me” or “I’ll feel like a failure.” None of those beliefs were facts, but they succeeded in winning him over. Then he would criticize himself mercilessly.
How much do you relate to that?
During the reprogramming session, it became clear that his biggest fear was of failing. His subconscious mind was wired to believe that the best way not to fail was to not try. His whole life he avoided situations where he might fail, and prospecting was one of those situations.
We found the origin of his “I’ll be safe if I just don’t try” belief, and together we released this belief and installed some updated, empowered beliefs, such as:
- I prospect with ease.
- There is no such thing as rejection. It’s either a match, or it’s not a match.
- I have a valuable service to offer and people are happy to hear from me.
The last belief is especially powerful. I have seen so many agents transform their perspective on prospecting by realizing they weren’t calling to “take” anything; they were calling to “offer” their valuable expertise.
Some agents are blocked when it comes to prospecting because they are afraid of being successful. When they initially talk to me they say, “I want your help in succeeding because I feel stuck;” however, when we explore the deeper subconscious beliefs, here is what emerges from the subconscious mind:
- If I succeed I won’t have a life.
- If I succeed I won’t have time for myself or my family.
- To succeed, I have to struggle and sacrifice.
- To succeed, I will have to morally compromise.
Naturally, they weren’t able to succeed, since the subconscious mind (which is 90 percent of the mind) was full of anti-success beliefs.
As before, the solution was to release these false beliefs about success and install updated, empowered beliefs, such as:
- Success comes to me easily.
- I work smarter, not harder.
- I succeed and still have balance in my life.
- On the path to success, I am always in my integrity.
Whatever blocks you are experiencing on the outer level, like procrastination, overwhelm, lack of motivation, etc., there is a corresponding deeper belief that is the cause.
The solution is very clear: Change the inner beliefs, and you’ll change your ability to create your ideal income and have balance in your life.
Maya Bailey, Ph.D., is known as the Mindset Business coach for real estate agents and other success-minded entrepreneurs.
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