There are twenty-four hours in a day and yet, many people struggle with the concept of time management. Let’s face it, keeping track of time and managing it effectively won’t always be easy, but there are a few things we can do to stay on top of our tasks. Further, if you’re in a leadership position, you have to keep track of your own tasks in addition to your team’s.
There are plenty of how-to articles, productivity apps and books available that will talk about how you should manage your time. Here, we’ve listed a few of our favorite tips that we found to be effective.
Plan Ahead
The simplest way to manage your time is to plan ahead. This can be done by creating a schedule and planning out your days and weeks in advance. Desk calendars, or even your Google, Outlook or iCalendar, can help you plan out your day by the hour. Some people find that making a to-do list can be just as effective. During the last few minutes of the day, write a short list of goals you would like to accomplish the following day. The next morning, look over your list and begin the process of prioritizing your tasks, which leads to our next tip…
When it’s time to prioritize your tasks for the day, try to block off a couple hours of the day for certain responsibilities. For instance, if you need to make cold calls first thing in the morning, block off 9 a.m. to 12 noon for that specific item. Be sure to give the most urgent tasks top priority while saving the low priority projects for the end of the day. If you have a team, try and delegate a few items on your list to them. A bit of team effort will go a long way.
It’s Okay to Say No
Do you find that you bite off more than you can chew? Adding too many projects and responsibilities to your plate can lead you down the path of unproductivity and lead to further frustration. If you and your team lack the bandwidth to take on another project, it’s alright to say no, but offer to help delegate the project to another team.
Remove Distractions
Distractions are an everyday occurrence. To keep from falling into that trap, remove the offending disruption. If you work primarily on your laptop, consider changing up your environment and working away from your usual space and go outside. If you find that your phone is the culprit, turn on the “do not disturb” setting for a couple hours so that you can work in peace.
Your best bet when it comes to time management is to not put off for tomorrow what can be completed today. It’s easy to lose track of time or put off a project simply because you weren’t motivated. But if you create a strategy and plan ahead, you will find success in the long run.
Mastering the art of time management and maintaining a productive day are some of the skills that Realty ONE Group teaches their real estate professionals. To learn how Realty ONE Group can take your career to the next level, visit
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