Do you love a good home improvement project? Whether you’re a novice or a seasoned DIY-er, there are some projects that are just going to be easier than others. But which? ImproveNet set out to discover which projects can set you up for failure, and which will be a snap.
The company surveyed over 2,000 DIYers who have attempted at least one DIY home improvement project included on ImproveNet’s list of 32 primary project types. The results may surprise you! Here are a handful of takeaways, as well as an edifying infographic:
Over budget. When a DIY project runs over budget, on average, people spend nearly two times what they projected.
Back-up pros. According to the results, one in three people have called a professional to redo their failed DIY mess.
Ugly outcome. Why are folks disappointed with their DIY? Fifty-five percent of people say the main reason they were disappointed with a DIY is it doesn’t look good.
Floor fail. Which DIY project do most Americans regret trying to tackle? Installing tile floors! This task takes practice and a sharp eye. According to ImproveNet, you should leave this one to the pros unless you want to risk a shoddy-looking bathroom or kitchen floor.
Credit: ImproveNet
View the results and a full breakdown of ImproveNet’s methodology here.