Three Aspects of Video Communication to Achieve Maximum Impact
Have you ever noticed that people quote movies a lot more than they quote books? The reason is simple: Adding a face and a voice to a message makes it exponentially more impactful than relying on words alone.
This is meaningful to real estate because, as part of your prospecting and client marketing efforts, you should be incorporating video communications to make yourself more memorable and maximize client acquisition and conversion. There is no substitute for your face and your voice in promoting your business, and making video part of your communication plan will naturally enhance the connection that you make with prospective and current clients.
When incorporating videos into your team business, follow the following three guidelines for their use:
Provide purposeful and valuable content. When recording videos, consider your message from the perspective of your audience. What are you trying to communicate? Whether you are promoting your services, educating your audience to reinforce your role as an expert or injecting personality and connection to your business, run your message through three filters: is it interesting, will my audience benefit from it and will it help me gain or retain clients? If you answer yes to all three, record and share!
Use videos strategically: New listings, open houses and general marketing efforts (including social media) are all excellent venues for videos, which will set your message apart from boring text-only messages and simple MLS links. Especially when seeking immediate response, video showing your personality and your voice will raise the enthusiasm for your message.
Recurring themes—for example, a weekly or monthly local real estate update—can also be invaluable in making you memorable as a real estate expert. Consider establishing a consistent video effort that will enhance your business identity with current and potential clients.
Make presentation matter. Producing quality videos can be accomplished easily and inexpensively; it just takes a little planning. Consider your background, make sure the lighting and sound are good, and then match your appearance and energy to the message being conveyed. Make eye contact with the camera and smile. Ensuring that you follow simple approaches like these with the goal of increasing the quality of your videos will also increase the activity that they generate.
And as one of your goals is to be memorable to your audience over time, be sure to purposefully use certain terms or catchphrases consistently in all of your videos (e.g., stating your slogan at the beginning or end of the video).
In our digital world, using videos to purposefully, strategically and effectively enhance your marketing efforts will help you gain more clients and retain more repeat business. Follow the above guidelines to make your videos and yourself memorable and effective, and you will create more listings and clients as a result.
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Sherri Johnson is CEO and founder of Sherri Johnson Coaching & Consulting. With 20 years of experience in real estate, Johnson offers coaching, consulting and keynotes, and is a national speaker for the Secrets of Top Selling Agents tour and the Official Real Estate Coach for McKissock Learning and Real Estate Express. She is also an RISMedia 2020 Real Estate Newsmaker as an industry Influencer. Sign up for a free 30-minute coaching strategy session or visit for more information.