As part of its six-region growth plan, the National Association of Hispanic Real Estate Professionals® (NAHREP®) recently launched its Southwest region.
NAHREP’s National Board of Directors appointed Desolina Avila as Southwest Regional Corporate Board of Governors chair and Tina Marie Hernandez as Southwest Regional Corporate Board of Governors co-chair to lead the board. NAHREP’s National Board also appointed 26 other governors from a pool including former chapter presidents and NAHREP corporate members and partners from the region.
The Southwest region includes Southern California and Arizona.
“The Southwest region is home to four of the ten most populous Latino markets in the country, with three located in California alone,” said Gary Acosta, NAHREP co-founder and CEO.
Each region will host two major events annually.
“The Southwest Regional Corporate Board of Governors represents some of the leading Latino real estate professionals in the nation. They will drive a new level of vibrancy to our partners and members,” said Sara Rodriguez, 2021 NAHREP president.
“We are excited to contribute to NAHREP commitment to sustainable homeownership by growing partnerships and members in the Southwest region,” said Southwest Regional Corporate Board of Governors Chair Desolina Avila and Co-Chair Tina Marie Hernandez.
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