
Dan Smith

Anvil Real Estate

Dan Smith defines his role at Anvil Real Estate as the “Captain of Culture.” What does this mean? It means his job is to build something that every single person who is part of his company wants to buy into. And what does success look like, from that perspective? In 2021, it looked like increasing agent recruitment by 400% and staggeringly, holding onto every single agent—a 100% retention rate.

In a revolving-door world when everyone is looking for the next best gimmick, Smith managed to entirely change the narrative and make Anvil a place that every one of his agents saw as the place they wanted to be. Culture and success are Anvil’s foundational beliefs, he says, and through his energy, personality and constant empathy (he adds that “Shoulder to Cry On” might also be an appropriate description of his role), Smith proved that the right attitude can truly make all the difference in a brokerage.

Dan Smith

Anvil Real Estate

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