Minimalism has had its style heyday. The trendy solution to fight clutter and consumerism, minimalist style makes sense for a lot of people…and with good reason. Minimalists certainly have it easy when it comes to cleaning and organizing, but if you can’t bear to part with your prized collections, all is not lost. Here are some tips and tricks you can use to stay organized as a maximalist.
Group Like Items
Similar items look curated and cared for when they are grouped together. Unfortunately, the reverse is true. Scattering your like-items throughout your home with haphazard abandon can look disorganized and cluttered. Show off your collections and keep zones within your house by grouping similar items.
Rotate When Reasonable
Seasonal decor, seasonal clothes and even seasonal kitchenware can all be stored away when they are unlikely to be in use. Don’t underestimate the power of simply storing items that you’re not ready to utilize, and don’t be afraid to store something simply because you might actually need it. After all, you can always grab that bundt pan from the Christmas supplies if you truly need it this summer, but you’ll love the space savings in the meantime.
Limit Visual Clutter
Clutter can be caused by more than too much stuff. Visual clutter can have a big impact on your perception of a space. Minimize visual clutter as much as possible by keeping your items looking more cohesive. Eliminate original packages or boxes whenever possible, and store your items in wicker baskets or solid bins. Choose neutral colors for accent and tool items in your home (think your spatula collection or your bathroom’s soap holder and dispensers). This will allow standard home belongings to fade into the background not visually competing with your art or collection items. Save your pops of energetic color for curated fun items.
Prioritize Savvy Storage Strategies
You may not subscribe to the KonMari Method completely, but you don’t have to live a minimalist lifestyle to benefit from savvy storage solutions. Consider taking a few pages from the minimalist’s guidebook by folding your clothes differently to save space or storing your small items in boxes to eliminate clutter while keeping belongings accessible.
A maximalist style may not be for everyone, but a well-done maximalist style can easily be the toast of the neighborhood. These strategies can keep your maximalist home looking its best without decluttering everything you own.