RISMEDIA, April 30, 2009-First of all, you should all know that my children refer to me as a hippie. Well, technically, I was born on the wrong side of ’56 to have been full swing into the culture, but, I was certainly on the cusp. So no one is more surprised than me that I spend my day tweeting and blogging. The interesting thing is, though, if you will allow me to express it in true hippie fashion, I write about ‘getting back to the garden’. I write about how we can put ourselves in a better frame of mind. So, I have stepped cautiously into the social media arena while remaining true to my roots!
Today I wrote a blog talking about my crazy, busy life. It seemed to be an appropriate topic because I came in to work on Monday exhausted from the weekend. I had started out early on Saturday at Lowe’s, buying a paint scraper and sandpaper to refinish my backyard table. Many years ago, my daughter had ‘decorated’ it with purple, pink and bronze flowers. I scraped and sanded and painted it white. I went to the nursery for flowers. Yes, I do know that traditionally we wait until May 21st, but it was so gorgeous out that I couldn’t resist! I played it safe with ivy and violas. And then I recovered my chairs, tacking on new fabric. My thumb is still numb as I write this. Sunday was another full day. Made a birthday brunch for my daughter, shopped for her birthday gift and visited my in- laws. There is an even bigger list of the things I didn’t do.
I came to a conclusion as I was writing the blog. I seem to have a potent brew ‘on the go’ that is bubbling over with equal parts of procrastination and rationalization. The procrastination most definitely has to do with putting my life on hold and the rationalization, well, that is how I get away with it! So, I’ve decided to give myself the gift of an hour a day that is carved out just for me. My plan is to walk. Walk away my stress. And, to leave my cell phone at home.
My theory is that this gift of time that I will give myself will allow me to give more to everyone else. I think that is true. I think that when we feel good about ourselves and about doing things that foster our personal happiness then we are better equipped to radiate that joy to others. I’ll let you know how it goes.
This morning when I came in to work I had tons of messages from Twitter from people who are following me. I’m not sure I really get Twitter. I’m not really sure anyone gets Twitter! But, I do know that I’ve become a Twitter snob. I don’t like it when people overtly advertise on Twitter. I don’t mind checking out what they are doing, but I think its poor Twittiquette to sell me on something in 140 characters or less.
The really cool thing about Twitter, however, is that it gives you immediate celebrity status! You can follow the stars and change-makers of our world. So, Twitter is now part of my day. Another thing to add to the list!
I guess I could give up a little more sleep. I love my crazy busy life and all that is suggests. My life is full. Happy lives are full. And, as they say, if you want something done, give it to a busy person.
Jacqui Markowitz is the Director of Communications for Frame of Mind Coaching. Contact her at Jacqui@frameofmindcoaching.com.