One of NextHome’s new offerings in 2023 was NextHome Concierge, a white-glove service that connects homebuyers with their new utility and insurance providers powered by My Utilities.
The future can’t all be technological advancement. Remember, machines serve people, not the other way around. Keith Robinson of NextHome clearly understands this, hence the mindset of Humans Over Houses when devising the company’s strategy.
“Hearing the stories from our members of helping those in their communities find their next home is the most rewarding part of my job,” says Robinson. “While my job, and the industry as a whole, is geared toward finding the best technology to help with the day-to-day jobs of real estate professionals, the heart of the profession is still the human connection.”
No matter the tools, Robinson feels there is one question that will always remain the same for real estate professionals when assisting their clients and colleagues: “How can we reduce the stress and make the overall experience better when someone buys or sells their next home?”
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