
Christa Ross

William Raveis Real Estate

Christa Ross shines as a beacon of innovation, dedicated to pushing the boundaries of real estate in her relentless pursuit of excellence. She is not just a coach, but a visionary mentor who has transformed the way we all view and engage in the industry.

Host of William Raveis Real Estate’s “The Morning Boost,” Ross offers business planning, marketing strategies and motivation to make a big impact on more than 4,200 agents throughout the company’s footprint.

“Agents like to have direction. Learning how to sell and market your business is a challenge most of them face, no matter how successful they become,” she says.

Ross is also a master of marketing, possessing an all-encompassing understanding of the ever-evolving real estate landscape. This comprehensive expertise empowers her to devise strategies that aren’t just a step ahead, but an entire leap.

“We can all agree that new-to-the-business agents are easy to engage; they don’t know what they don’t know and are open and hungry for tools and techniques,” she says. “The tougher audience to bring value to are experienced, top-producing agents who have their game on and know what works. If you can engage, intrigue and inspire that audience, well then…that speaks for itself.”

Christa Ross
Lead Coach | Vice President Career Development

William Raveis Real Estate