Sometimes the best way to structure your day doesn’t spring immediately to mind—a “workflow,” or a planned series of activities that help you complete a task, is needed. You may need a way to organize your thoughts and tasks in order to maximize efficiency for both yourself and your clients’ benefit. To become a go-to name in your market, making your workflow as efficient as possible in the context of growing your clientele can be useful.
Here are a few ways to make that happen.
Regularly update your workflow model for your (and your client’s) needs
Create a workflow that is targeted to the results you’re looking for in your business, such as acquiring X number of new clients in a month. Prioritize the tasks that support your goal first, but don’t lose sight of your overall efficiency. Being efficient will facilitate the results you define as important for yourself getting done in a timely and complete manner. By creating a workflow that is specific to your goals while supporting your clients, you can avoid a cookie-cutter approach and create a system that makes sense for you.
Target your messages using both text and email formats of communication
There are differing approaches to the frequency and style of text and email communications with clients, but the general idea is to communicate as frequently as necessary to keep them up to date on important information and stages of the transaction. It’s important to avoid over-communicating, too, so reach outs can mean a few times a week during the property search phase and not as often during waiting periods. It’s important to tailor information to the client and also respect boundaries. Part of your workflow can be incorporated into the tracking phase, noting at the end of the day, or at a time that works best for you, in a spreadsheet or other type of tracking system, who you’ve contacted during the day. Use paper and pen if that’s what you feel more comfortable with.
Structure your communications in short bursts that are easily trackable
By creating a workflow that prioritizes communication with clients that take place over one- to two-day timeframes, you stay top of mind and keep on top of your clients’ latest needs. Clients and prospects may choose you over another agent due to recency bias, especially if you do a great job communicating in a professional and authentic manner.
Create a tier system for calling clients
Don’t forget phone calls! Depending on how you’ve structured your business, you can create a “trigger” that signifies when a phone call should be placed to a client. Examples might include viewing a market activity report or viewing a listing more than once after you’ve contacted them via text or email in your outreach.
Implementing even one or two of these suggestions can streamline your productivity while also helping to improve client communications. What are some ways you streamline your daily workflow to improve business and client engagement?