Donna Roberson has dedicated herself to revolutionizing the way in which buyers and sellers stay informed on what’s happening in the real estate industry by leveraging innovative technology and engaging social media strategies.
In 2024, Roberson created and implemented an AI character, who acts as her assistant across platforms such as Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, YouTube and Google. Through her, Roberson delivers real estate news, market updates and virtual town tours, primarily aimed at buyers considering relocation.
While the process behind the scenes is complex and time-consuming, Roberson notes that creating these informative videos involves working with multiple programs and can take anywhere from one to three hours for a two-minute clip. Despite the effort required, she’s committed to posting content five days a week to ensure continuous engagement and visibility.
“This innovative approach has not only enhanced the way I communicate with my audience, but has also set a new standard for real estate marketing,” she says. “I’m proud of the results and the positive impact it has had on my clients and community.”
In addition to your regular content, posting about housing-related holidays and awareness months can offer agents unique opportunities to engage audiences. Read more.
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