Natalie Hamrick, president of affiliate services for Christie’s International Real Estate, is responsible for affiliate management, business strategy and business development. She works to ensure that brokerages fully leverage opportunities that are available to them thanks to their affiliation with Christie’s International Real Estate.
In 2024, Hamrick was instrumental in expanding the company’s footprint across the United States and in helping affiliates expand their footprint in their respective regions. Numerous affiliates opened offices in new markets and signed on top agents last year.
Hamrick also frequently spoke to media outlets about issues relevant to the real estate industry and served as a panelist at major conferences.
“The most rewarding part of my career is the opportunity to shape the direction of a globally respected brand while fostering a culture of excellence and innovation,” says Hamrick. “I take great pride in empowering our agents to excel and providing them with the resources they need to succeed. It’s truly gratifying to contribute to a legacy of luxury and service that resonates around the world.”
Real estate professionals have myriad challenges to contend with this year as a new presidential administration takes office and we’re faced with a hopefully improved economy. Read more.
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