Grady Ligon has been at the forefront of innovation in the real estate industry, leading transformative initiatives that are redefining how agents and consumers interact with technology. His trailblazing efforts are evolving the real estate business and also setting a new benchmark for industry excellence.
In 2024, Ligon led the launch of the Lead Concierge program, which focuses on delivering qualified buyers directly to RE/MAX agents. This not only contributes to building business for agents, but also provides a positive brand experience for consumers, aligning with Ligon’s vision of a more streamlined and effective real estate process.
Ligon has also led the expansion of the MAX/Tech powered by BoldTrail platform, delivering an end-to-end technology solution that significantly improves the broker/owner experience by reducing costs and increasing visibility. With the introduction of advanced tools for back-office management, recruitment and client engagement, he has empowered broker/owners and agents to operate more efficiently and effectively.
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