Colette Stevenson is always thinking about the future, striving to create processes that meet needs before they even surface. Her vision embraces strategic partnership, collaboration, innovation and flexibility.
In 2024, Stevenson led corporate expansion involving technology development, which allows brokers and agents to market, list, sell and represent their clients without geographic boundaries. She also led the launch of a state-of-the-art learning platform—REsides University—providing education to agents without association affiliation.
The most rewarding part of her career is “seeing how our company directly addresses the daily challenges that brokers and agents face by providing them with effective solutions.”
“It’s fulfilling to know that our leadership in this crucial industry not only helps create wealth across the U.S., but also offers brokers new revenue streams,” she says. “At the same time, I take great pride in empowering our employees to play a meaningful role in our collective success.”
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