Relaxing by a cozy fire can be the perfect way to spend a winter evening. If you use an indoor fireplace regularly, you’ll have to keep up with routine maintenance to prevent problems. These are some clear signs that your chimney is due for a cleaning.
Soot and Creosote Buildup
When wood is burned, it produces soot, which is an ash-like substance, and creosote, a sticky substance that can accumulate on the inside of a chimney. Creosote looks soft and flaky at first. As it builds up over time, it becomes hard and shiny. Creosote can leave oily marks inside the chimney and make the damper and flue turn black. Creosote is highly flammable and can ignite without warning.
Trouble Getting a Fire Going
Even if creosote doesn’t catch fire, it can cause other issues. A buildup of creosote can block the flue and deprive a fire of the oxygen it needs. If it’s hard to get a fire started and keep it going, it’s likely due to a buildup of creosote.
Smoke in the House
If you light a fire and the room fills with smoke, that can indicate that your chimney is overdue for a cleaning. There are other possible reasons for the smoke in your house. It might be because you forgot to open the damper, or the wood you’re burning might be wet.
Animals in the Chimney
Unusual sounds coming from inside your chimney are likely caused by birds or rodents. Animals often seek shelter inside a warm chimney, then get trapped by creosote. If you have wildlife inside the chimney, you’ll need to have the animals removed and get the chimney cleaned so other critters don’t get trapped.
Protect Your Loved Ones With Regular Chimney Cleanings
Keeping your chimney clean and well maintained can prevent a tragedy. If you use your fireplace regularly during the winter, you should have the chimney cleaned at least once a year.
A chimney outside a house experiences greater temperature fluctuations than an indoor chimney. That means an exterior chimney accumulates creosote faster and needs to be cleaned more frequently.
Cleaning a chimney is a dirty and arduous task. If you’re not up to doing it yourself, have a local professional clean the chimney and perform an inspection. An expert will be able to identify signs of a problem that you might miss and make any repairs that are necessary.
Fall is a good time to have your chimney cleaned and inspected. A professional will be able to remove creosote, as well as any animal nests, before you begin to use the fireplace.