Hispanics play an increasingly significant role in the nation’s home purchase market, and by 2020 half of all new homebuyers are expected to be Hispanic. These consumers, like most, are passionate about homeownership and take great pride in their homes. They want a home that not only reflects their personal style, but one they are proud to show to their family and friends.
At Better Homes and Gardens® Real Estate, we believe in providing consumers with the guidance and information they need to make the most out of homeownership before, during and after the real estate transaction. Earlier this year, we partnered with Casa Latina, a bilingual home and lifestyle company and Vme TV, a national Hispanic television network to create and distribute Spanish-language video tips to help consumers understand the real estate process and provide practical information about homeownership.
To build upon this initiative, we are a sponsor at the Casa Latina Home Expo this Saturday, November 15, to further connect with this growing market. This expo provides a venue for bilingual Latino families, influential bloggers, top media, and lifestyle experts to share the spirit of aspirational Latino living with the community.
So, if you’re in the New York Metro area on Saturday, November 15, join us at the Altman Building, 135 West 18th Street, from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. ET. Visitors to the Better Homes and Gardens Real Estate booth can subscribe to our new consumer blog rich in lifestyle content, bhgrelife.com, for a chance to win a $100 gift card.
Nearly three thousand visitors are expected throughout the day. Stop by or have your agents attend and experience what will surely be a lively and interactive event.
For details about the expo, visit www.casalatinahomeexpo.com.
Learn more about our partnership with Casa Latina and Vme TV on Clean Slate, and be sure to check out our video tips. And for more on Better Homes and Gardens Real Estate, and to network and engage with top real estate professionals, take a moment to like All Things Real Estate on Facebook, follow @AllThingsBHGRE on Twitter, and follow our company page on LinkedIn.
For more information, visit www.bhgrealestate.com.