A provision in a contract that keeps it from becoming binding until a certain event happens. A satisfactory inspection report...
A provision in a contract that keeps it from becoming binding until a certain event happens. A satisfactory inspection report...
Mixing of a clients' funds, or escrow, with an agent's personal funds in an account; considered to be grounds for...
Stands for covenants, conditions and restrictions. They are the rules by which a property owner in a condominium agrees to...
Latin for "Let the buyer beware." Under this legal phrase, the buyer is expected to judge and evaluate property carefully...
Stipulation in a contract that allows a buyer or seller to cancel the contract in the event of a certain...
Licensed individual who acts independently in conducting a real estate brokerage business; also a person who buys and sells for...
Single mortgage that covers more than one real property, i.e. - a house plus the vacant lot next door.
The most comprehensive insurance policy is guaranteed replacement cost coverage, which will pay to rebuild your home even if the...
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