Mileage Deduction Tip
If you drive more than 10K per year, the IRS requires you to keep a detailed log in order to...
If you drive more than 10K per year, the IRS requires you to keep a detailed log in order to...
Know how much you really earned for each real estate transaction. Did you know QuickBooks Self-Employed helps you easily record...
True. You're 5x more likely to be audited if you don't report AGI (5.26% compared to .85%, according to the...
Little known secret: A retirement plan that works well for agents is the Solo 401(k). You can save up to...
While real estate association fees are deductible, fees associated with lobbying and political advocacy are not.
If you maintain a balance on your business credit card, the interest rate is deductible as a business expense.
For every 1,000 miles driven, $500 in tax deductions can be produced, but the IRS needs documentation of all business...
Top agent deductibles include: marketing materials; mileage; desk & association fees; home office fees (if you don't have a desk...
If you drive more than 10K per year, the IRS requires you to keep a detailed log in order to...
The IRS says 20% of U.S. income tax filers wait until the week of April 15 to file Of those, 61% are...
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