Are You Tracking Your Profit?
Know how much you really earned for each real estate transaction. Did you know QuickBooks Self-Employed helps you easily record...
Know how much you really earned for each real estate transaction. Did you know QuickBooks Self-Employed helps you easily record...
For every 1,000 miles driven, $500 in tax deductions can be produced, but the IRS needs documentation of all business...
True. You're 5x more likely to be audited if you don't report AGI (5.26% compared to .85%, according to the...
A retirement plan that works well for real estate agents is the Solo 401(k), which allows you to save up...
Top agent deductibles include: marketing materials; mileage; desk & association fees; home office fees (if you don't have a desk...
Did you know that production costs such as writing and design fees, whether the materials are produced by an agency...
Whether you're taking desk fees or home-office deductions, you can still claim other office-related expenses, including: stationery, photo copies, and...
If you have a particularly large home office, or live in a very high-cost area, the regular method—in which you...
A. $25; B. $20; C. $35; D. $30. Answer: A. You are allowed to deduct up to $25 for business-related...
While real estate association fees are deductible, fees associated with lobbying and political advocacy are not.
Discover expert tips on mastering social media planning and turning it into a powerful tool for real estate success in this exclusive video interview with RISMedia and Katie Lance. Watch here.
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