
Andrew Chishchevoy


With more than a decade of experience in managing various IT departments, Andrew Chishchevoy, CEO of Brokermint, established winning teams from ground zero and cultivated goal-oriented environments.


Knowing early on that the key to success would be easy integration with all kinds of other software providers, he is continually innovating to stay ahead of the competition by building a back-office real estate business solution that processes 5 percent of the country’s transaction volume, as well as consistently launching new tools to further help brokers manage the intricate financials of their offices. In 2020, he and his team began working on an integration with Realogy with a goal of offering more services and financial opportunities for several hundred brokerages across the country.

“Our discoveries and correlations between commission management and agency or brokerage size endeavor to help companies of all sizes better manage their commission payments while still attracting and retaining the very best agents to dominate their local markets.”

Andrew Chishchevoy
Chief Executive Officer


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