
Annie Engel

Howard Hanna Insurance Services

Annie Engel serves as president and CEO of Howard Hanna Insurance Services (HHIS), as well as chief legal officer of Hanna Holdings, Inc. In those roles, she helps evaluate risk and pursues the goals and missions of numerous divisions and regions.

In 2023, HHIS was recognized for its growth in writing new business for real estate clients and for its high client retention rate. The Independent Insurance Agents & Brokers of America again recognized HHIS as a “best practices agency,” and Traveler’s named the company a Star Agency.

“Supporting the success of our enterprise strategies, and seeing the impact of that on not only our buyers and sellers, but our real estate agents—and importantly the insurance agents and administration—is absolutely rewarding,” says Engel.

“Supporting and seeing growth—in the leaders in our insurance division, and those who want to be leaders, whether in sales, service or in underwriting is, without a doubt, the most rewarding part of my role. Having come from the insurance government side of things, it is thrilling to see the sales, underwriting, and claims professionals continuing to want to grow in this industry.”

Annie Engel
President & COO, Howard Hanna Insurance Services

Howard Hanna Insurance Services

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