
Bill Aboumrad

Legacy Real Estate & Associates

In 2021, Bill Aboumrad took a surgical approach to help real estate agents thrive during a global pandemic. He led the rollout of the Apprentice Mentorship Program, designed to help agents expand their sales, contract and development skills and work more efficiently. “The pandemic challenged us to think outside the box and be more innovative and intentional. By design, agents shined with their ability to be resilient, and many had the best years of their career,” says Aboumrad. “When you look beyond today, you stay at the forefront of your future.” 


Throughout 2021, Aboumrad also spearheaded the Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Task Force and helped launch five additional programs within the company, including the Personal Assistant Program; Buyer Agent Select Services; AMF Program; Ultimate Pro Coaching Series; and the Learn Center. 

Bill Aboumrad
President and Broker/Owner

Legacy Real Estate & Associates

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