
Bill Scavone

Weichert Real Estate Affiliates, Inc.

Bill Scavone serves as president and COO of Weichert Real Estate Affiliates, Inc. In Q1 of 2020, the team introduced myWeichert powered by kvCORE. During the pandemic, the service team focused on coaching and training, leveraging virtual capabilities—and continuously reaching out to clients. The company had the best three months in its history.

“We told our office owners that they were trained and prepared for this,” says Scavone. “Rely on the talent and skills you have obtained over the years. Use all the tools at your disposal. All of our sales systems still held true, and they needed to take the steps to secure their client relationships. We were sure a sales surge would be coming, so above all else, they needed to stay focused, be all in and own it. And they met the challenge.”

Bill Scavone
President & Chief Operating Officer

Weichert Real Estate Affiliates, Inc.
Tip of the Day

Member Agents Win 58% More Listings.* Simple as That gives member agents unparalleled exposure. Your contact info is always on your listings, and your listings are targeted then retargeted to interested buyers across the web. Join today!

*Based on internal analyses comparing members to non-members on
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