
Charlotte Simonelli

Anywhere Real Estate Inc.

Throughout 2022, ‘change’ was the word of the year for Anywhere Real Estate Inc., and for Charlotte Simonelli, nothing met the level of positive change more than how she managed the finances of the $8 billion company. 

Says Simonelli: “It’s also very rewarding to help lead our team to great outcomes and help provide them with rewarding careers.”

Having successfully led efforts to strengthen the company’s balance sheet to unlock additional value and revenue, Simonelli placed Anywhere in a prime position to achieve the company’s bold goals. Under her leadership, the company realized a net debt reduction of $1.8 billion, operated with a significantly lower cost of capital and received important upgrades from rating agencies. With an eye toward the future of the transaction, Simonelli is showing investors and market participants that Anywhere is financially built to last.

Charlotte Simonelli
Chief Financial Officer

Anywhere Real Estate Inc.

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