Climbing the ladder as a big-hearted, agent-focused independent brokerage, in 2021, David Springer saw his commitment and hard work pay off. Breaking into the top real estate echelon in Pennsylvania, one of four states that his brokerage serves, Springer saw his small operation take off this past year, growing to over 250 agents who bought into the company’s mission of empowerment and commitment to allowing real estate professionals the opportunity to invest in themselves.
Kindness, integrity and removal of financial barriers prepared Springer’s agents for a year that would ask a lot of them. And they gave it their all—as Springer always has for them.
“My mission was to enable our agents to keep more of their hard-earned money and have the opportunity to create financial independence,” he says. “This is what motivates me to continue growing our company, by aligning with like-minded individuals with the values that coincide with our company.”
As your client’s guide to the process leading to homeownership, it’s your responsibility to make sure they know what they’re getting into from a financial perspective. Read more.
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