
Dawn McKenna

Dawn McKenna Group

Dawn McKenna, like every true leader, sees her own most accomplishments as the ones she shared with her team. When the Dawn McKenna Group set news sales records in every single one of their markets in 2022, she saw this as a reflection of her own success, vision and drive—though her own personal contribution of around $250 million in volume is nothing to sneeze at.

Preaching the principle of “co-opetition—” in which both agents succeed if they ensure that the clients’ interests come first—McKenna has built a structure for real estate teams that is emulated and studied all over the country, evidenced by her status as a highly sought-after speaker on all topics related to teams. McKenna says the most rewarding part of her career is helping other agents grow in their own careers, and her ability to speak candidly about what it takes to succeed made her one of the top leaders—and teammates—in 2022.

Dawn McKenna
Real Estate Broker

Dawn McKenna Group