
Donna August


Donna August has crafted a strong vision for how realtor.com® can empower even more growth for agents and brokers, not just when they buy products or services, but before, during and after as they try to overcome career challenges and meet their goals.

“As a champion of new marketing innovations in direct support of agents and brokers to build, grow and sustain their businesses, I have a passion for helping agents and brokers be successful in an ever-changing marketplace,” shared August.

In 2022, August and her team launched their new #ThrivePastFive initiative. Phase 1 asked agents of all tenures to share what’s hard about being a new agent; in return, they saw 4 million digital impressions, a 60% email open rate, a 69% landing page conversion rate, and thousands of agents completing the study.

Donna August
VP, B2B Marketing


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