
Joe Jesuele


A picture has always been worth a thousand words, which is why people like Joe Jesuele have made it their mission to provide real estate professionals with access to the best visuals for their listings. But of course, there is more. Going above and beyond expectations for the industry, Jesuele launched an NFT marketplace for real estate images, as an alternative to stock photo services. And in order to better serve the rapidly evolving needs of a technologically savvy industry, HomeJab launched a sweeping survey to find out exactly what the on-the-ground agent is asking for to best serve their clients. Drawing on his own experience as a builder and an investor, there is no one better than Jesuele to understand and bring real estate visual marketplaces into the future.

“The most rewarding part is providing jobs and income to the hundreds of photographers on our platform,” he says. “It’s a great feeling to know that we’ve had an impact on many lives and helped people support their families.”

Joe Jesuele
Founder and CEO
