
John Packes

EXIT Realty Corp. International

A real technologist knows that the value of their work comes from more than just building something flashy, something new or something big.

John Packes, and other truly talented innovators like him, know that every product must be focused on the people, understanding their goals and needs. Last year, all of Packes’ accomplishments were built on this foundation. From the My Smart Sign text-to-listing tool, to adding new levels of data, functionality, messaging, and convenience to an updated EXIT Realty Connect app, he succeeded in building tools that are directly aligned with the businesses of on-the-ground agents. Always focused on the end goal, Packes turned 2022 into another powerful step up for those who depend on his expertise and insight.

“The most rewarding part of my career has been helping individuals or small businesses thrive, knowing that what I’ve created helped them get there,” he says.

John Packes
Chief Technology Officer

EXIT Realty Corp. International