
Josh McGrath

ERA Priority Real Estate

Josh McGrath is broker/owner of ERA Priority Real Estate in Gillette, Wyo., serving Northeast Wyoming.

In June 2018, ERA Priority Real Estate raised more than $9,000 for the Muscular Dystrophy Association (MDA), to benefit children with muscular dystrophy, which has no cure. ERA Real Estate and MDA have been partners for over 35 years, with affiliates of ERA fundraising as part of the ERA MDA Summer Camp Challenge.

For the fundraiser, 20 agents at ERA Priority Real Estate sold raffle tickets, with prizes including a smoker, fire pit, custom University of Wyoming corn hole boards and a popcorn maker. The fundraising goal initially was $2,000, which would allow two children to go to camp.

“Our annual barbecue is not only a great way for us to give back to those who have helped us, but a great venue for us to raise money for MDA through our annual prizes raffle—and this year we really stepped it up a notch,” said McGrath of the event, now it its 15th year. “At ERA Priority Real Estate, community involvement is in our DNA.”

Josh McGrath

ERA Priority Real Estate

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