
Marc Gould

National Association of REALTORS®

In Marc Gould’s words, if the National Association of REALTORS®’ (NAR) professional development programs are an orchestra, then he is their conductor. His goal includes not just winning benefits for NAR members, but increasing overall professionalism within the industry.

Among the initiatives he oversaw in 2022 were broker outreach, sustainability and ESG (environmental, social, governance) efforts in addition to leadership development. Under Gould’s watch, all of these grew throughout 2022. So did the SPIRE program, meant to build inroads in the real estate industry within multicultural, minority communities. SPIRE celebrated its first anniversary in September 2022.

“Real estate activity makes up more than 10% of America’s GDP. There is nothing more fulfilling than knowing my efforts as part of the NAR team keep this economic engine going with engaged, ethical and professional members.”

Marc Gould
SVP, Member Development

National Association of REALTORS®

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