Marilyn Wilson could best be described as a convener. Following a stellar rise through the marketing and communication ranks of major corporations, including stops in Silicon Valley, in 2021, she launched a statewide broker/association-owned MLS that grew swiftly and massively to support almost 50% of agents in the state of Louisiana.
The MLS brought together businesses both large and small as shareholders in the nation’s first statewide broker-owned MLS, but the Great Southern MLS ended up only being part of Wilson’s 2021 accomplishments as she works to “support those who help Americans live the dream of homeownership” in the real estate industry.
Her networking and communication skills also linked many more agents and brokerages through a “Broker Resource Network” launched this past year, which has connected almost 100 real estate businesses to share research and best practices, and participate in peer groups and webinars.
As your client’s guide to the process leading to homeownership, it’s your responsibility to make sure they know what they’re getting into from a financial perspective. Read more.
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