An “AI pragmatist,” Maya Velasquez believes that emerging technology should be easy to use and understand, and has shown skill in breaking down the concepts to lay professionals.
Her AI advocacy went to the next level in 2024 when she oversaw zavvie’s launch of their AI-driven “Power Buyer” platform and “Cash Advantage” suite, designed to deliver swift access to cash offers for mortgage lenders around the country. Described as “the only way to compare and transact with an array of emerging financing options in one place,” the platform has been adopted across the mortgage sector. In leading this launch, Velasquez fulfilled her primary duty at the company and grew zavvie’s mortgage partnerships channel by 100%.
The human impact of the company’s growth is what she most cherishes. “There is nothing better than a story of a family or individual whose life was made easier/better by using our program to make their move possible when they thought it might not be,” says Velasquez.
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