Michael Alladawi is leading Revive Real Estate into continued success, having begun the company to share his industry knowledge and help homeowners maximize their profits when selling their homes.
Under Alladawi’s leadership, Revive saw much growth in 2023. The firm acquired the DC-area-based HomePrep in February, and opened its first East Coast headquarters, now based in the Mid-Atlantic region. Revive is also now the pre-sale renovation engine for four nationwide brokerages, recently announcing partnerships with NextHome and SOLD.com.
Alladawi also launched “Revive Vision AI” in 2023, the pre-sale home renovation solution that leverages the power of AI by analyzing property photos to assess a property’s current value and renovation potential. In addition, the company launched their Renovate to sell, Renovate to Stay and Sell 360 (selling a home as-is today for its after-renovation value) options.
“At Revive, we are changing lives by automating home flipping for the average homeowner,” said Alladwai. “REALTORS® and home flippers share the same goal: present a home in its best light to extract the most amount of equity out of an asset. Revive is bringing transparency to the hardest part of real estate and that’s the value-add. By working with real estate agents, we help their clients do the same thing as a home flipper: unlock the maximum value of their biggest asset—their home.”
Alladawi concluded, “The most rewarding part of my career is doing the things I enjoy the most every day. I enjoy building and being part of a team where everyone focuses on one thing. Being part of the real estate community and contributing to that large community is incredibly rewarding.”
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