
Michael Wurzer


Last year, under the leadership of CEO/President Michael Wurzer, FBS expanded its MLS customer base and helped its 150+ MLS customers implement changes required by the settlement of class action litigation. Wurzer praised his team for their expertise and cooperation in supporting customers and guiding them smoothly through the transition.

In addition to his role with FBS, Wurzer serves on the Real Estate Standards Organization (RESO) Board. He is proud of the work the organization is doing to advance the industry by promoting clear and consistent standards.

Wurzer is dedicated to inspiring others in the field of real estate and providing valuable insights. He shares his perspectives on industry standards, emerging trends and technological advancements on the FBS blog. With Wurzer at the helm, FBS has embraced a culture of employee ownership. The company has grown significantly while maintaining a dynamic startup spirit.

“I love helping develop ownership, and FBS allows me to do that in two ways, because FBS is a 100% employee-owned company and our MLS software facilitates ownership of real estate,” says Wurzer.

Michael Wurzer
President & CEO