
Myron Lo

ReferralExchange, Inc.

Myron Lo didn’t stop at just doubling the number of agents using PRIME, ReferralExchange Inc.’s premier referral service, in 2022—he kept pushing the company forward into the future, launching RealEstateAgents.com, a real estate technology platform where the most qualified consumers can research and get introduced to the very best agents in their market. The platform is seeing strong traction from both consumers and agents.

This year Lo also grew the exclusive REALTOR® network to 178,000 of the top agents in the US and Canada, and helped the company record the strongest financial performance to date in Canada in 2022.

“Leveraging the country’s largest, most exclusive REALTOR® network provides me with the opportunity to quickly evaluate new technologies and services that could benefit real estate agents,” said Lo. “I most enjoy deploying new tools and services that make a positive impact on the lives of real estate agents.”

Myron Lo
Chief Strategy Officer

ReferralExchange, Inc.

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