Shannon McGahn is the first female chief advocacy officer for the National Association of REALTORS® (NAR) in its 112-year history. McGahn manages NAR’s Federal Legislative and Political Affairs and Political Representative teams, provides strategic advice on public policy issues impacting NAR, and helps direct its Independent Expenditure and Public Advocacy programs.
McGahn previously worked for nearly two decades with or for the legislative and executive branches of the U.S. government. In response to the COVID-19 pandemic, she reached out to lawmakers to secure trillions of dollars in benefits for sole proprietors, small business owners, the self-employed and independent contractors.
“NAR doesn’t represent an industry; it represents 1.4 million individuals,” McGahn said. “They are passionate, engaged, intelligent, and perhaps most important – fun to be around. They love their jobs and are always willing to work for the greater good. They are leaders in their communities and the key to our success.”
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