
Teresa Palacios Smith

HomeServices of America, Inc.

Discrimination in real estate, like in many other industries, is a crisis that could not be more urgent. In 2021, Teresa Palacios Smith brought an energy to match this urgency, crusading against the nefarious, systemic forces of racism and hate with a tremendous effort to bring people together and provide education to thousands of real estate professionals.

Facilitating the creation of a National Association of REALTORS® At Home With Diversity Certification, Palacios-Smith says her greatest achievement this year was bringing together hundreds of advocates across the broad spectrum of HomeServices for a passionate virtual summit connecting advocates from every community. This kind of exchange, filled with fresh ideas and new perspectives, is truly the most powerful tool in combatting discrimination and moving toward HomeService’s goal of increasing minority homeownership, according to Palacios Smith. 

“I’m honored to lead the diversity and inclusion efforts of a company that values its people, promotes diversity, equity and inclusion, and cherishes homeownership and fair housing for all,” she says.

Teresa Palacios Smith
Chief Diversity, Equity & Inclusion Officer

HomeServices of America, Inc.