William Senné started off as a listing agent—just someone hoping to start a business, make a name for himself and help people find homes. But like many, he dreamed bigger—and those big dreams bloomed. Now managing a company that just reached 100 employees this past year, Senné is involved in all aspects of real estate, from commercial investments to residential and property management. Investing in his employees paid off in 2021l, as Senné avoided layoffs and even grew during the pandemic turbulence.
Predicated on this dedication to his employees and his relationships in the greater Boston communities he is proud to serve, Senné says he will always be grateful for how everyone overcame adversity this past year.
“The work never stopped, and neither did we,” he says. “I am grateful for every member of the Senné team who rose to the occasion and saw us through each and every challenge.“
As your client’s guide to the process leading to homeownership, it’s your responsibility to make sure they know what they’re getting into from a financial perspective. Read more.
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