Search Results for: patty mcnease – Page 5

Facebook Live: How and Why?

Have you been thinking of ways to engage with your followers on social media and build your business at the same time? While there are

Sprinkling the Holidays Into Your Listings

The season is upon us, and now is not the time to ignore your business—especially your listings—but rather, a great time to make it stand

New Facebook Ad Targeting Tips

With 2.27 billion users, Facebook offers unique opportunities to connect with potential leads. However, due to changes to its algorithm, companies have been finding it

Getting Your Clients’ Homes Ready for the Fall

No matter when a homeowner lists their home, some principles of staging hold true. Overall, homes will benefit from having neutral interior wall colors, rather

Top Podcasts for Real Estate Agents

When you want to improve your business, those who’ve already walked the path are a valuable source of insight. With years of experiences and knowledge

Three Ways to Avoid Facebook Ad Denials

Facebook recently announced that it was making major changes to its advertising settings. Due to complaints of discrimination, Facebook has tightened its advertising policy in

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