Over the last year, the National Association of REALTORS® (NAR) has taken steps to reaffirm its commitment to Fair Housing. This past summer, for example, NAR launched a Fair Housing extension campaign as part of its “That’s Who We R” efforts. The association also discussed the topic at length during its 2020 REALTORS® Conference & Expo.
And now, on day one of the job for new NAR President Charlie Oppler, the association is showing it will continue to advocate for equality and inclusion in real estate, issuing an apology for NAR policies of the 20th century that contributed to discrimination and racial inequality.
Oppler spoke during the Diversity and Inclusion Summit, co-sponsored by NAR and The Hill, issuing a sobering message that sets the tone for the priorities of his presidency.
“What REALTORS® did was an outrage to our morals and our ideals. It was a betrayal of our commitment to fairness and equality,” said Oppler. “I’m here today, as the president of the National Association of REALTORS®, to say we were wrong.”
“We can’t go back to fix the mistakes of the past,” Oppler continued. “But we can look at this problem squarely in the eye. And we can finally say, on behalf of our industry, that what REALTORS® did was shameful, and we are sorry.”
Oppler recognized the fact that “words aren’t enough,” emphasizing that the association and all REALTORS® should take “positive action to remedy decades’ worth of inequality.”
Oppler was joined by Bryan Greene, NAR’s director of Fair Housing Policy, who discussed the steps NAR is taking to confront racism and inequality in real estate, starting with its Fair Housing Plan, “ACT!”.
“It underscores our commitment to greater accountability, culture change and better training,” said Greene. Accountability is really the key. We recognize we have to do more to self-test and -correct issues when we see them. We need to take a tough look at how existing patterns reinforce each other, and we need to improve the training we provide our members.”
Additionally, Greene stated NAR has partnered with the U.S. Chamber of Commerce’s Equality of Opportunity Initiative to examine economic inequality and advance economic inclusion. The association is also working with the National Association of Real Estate Brokers and the Urban Institute to address minority homeownership.
In a call to action for all listeners, Greene stated that everyone should visit nar.realtor/fair-housing. On the website, REALTORS® can find the latest information on how NAR is tackling the issue and how they can help. The site also provides resources such as videos, articles and tools on overcoming bias.
“As leaders in our communities, REALTORS® must be active participants in promoting equality, inclusion and acceptance,” said Oppler. “It’s the right thing to do, and it’s long overdue.”
View the entire webinar below:
Liz Dominguez is RISMedia’s senior online editor. Email her your real estate news ideas to ldominguez@rismedia.com.
As past President of the Portland Metropolitan Association of Realtors (2008), and first person of color in office, i am impressed with NAR taking a stand on this. Thank you Mr. President…We’ve come a long way baby!!
What policies contributed to discrimination? I make sure I treat ALL my clients the same and with respect. Punish Realtors who discriminate but I’m ashamed that NAR feels it needs to apologize. Sounds like NAR is virtue signaling to me.
All I got is —WOW!!!
I cannot disagree more strongly with both Mr Oppler and Mr Greene comments. After spending 22 years in the United States Air Force as a pilot flying 29 combat sport missions and spending 22 years as a managing broker in real estate in state of Washington I do not buy into the systemic racism or “outage to our morals”. This country was founded in “God we trust” and the majority of Americans are Christian conservatives. I am appalled by these comments! PB
Afraid I can’t let this go without a comment. Mr. Oppler, you have just betrayed all of the Realtors in the US. You have. You have not qualified a thing. You have lumped everyone together. The good, the bad and the ugly. And most of us are good. Period. We deserve better. Most of us have treated everyone equally and fought for the rights of anyone discriminated against no matter what the reason. And race is not the only reason. The organization who sold realtor.com, sold us down the river, never fought zillow and now lumps us all together with miscreants, can go take giant leap. Anyone ready for a new national organization?
What a joke. There is no need for anyone to apologize to anybody. This politically correct nonsense needs to stop. Work hard. Make enough money to buy a home. It’s that simple. My family is Latino and we are really sick and tired of the “victim” mentality. Most of our extended family have purchased homes without any problem.
Mr. Oppler’s remarks about Realtors as a whole during the last century was out of line. Were there bad Realtors during the past century? Of course there were. Just as their were bad cops, firefighters, teachers, priest, delivery drivers and so on. Was it the norm? Absolutely not, and I am offended that this knucklehead would lump an entire industry of past Realtors into one group. Mr. Oppler’s comments are divisive, ignorant and uncalled for. This industry has made huge gains and 99% of us work hard for our clients and are not racist. Mr. Oppler decided to abandon the very people who pay’s his salary. Better yet he crapped over the legacy of hundreds of thousands of past Realtors. They deserve a better leader. We all do. It’s time that Mr. Oppler step down as president of the National Association of Realtors. We all deserve a leader not a divider!
Exactly what “outrages” did REALTORS, as a national organization, perpetrate in the past 40 years? That’s almost as long as I have been in the business and as long as almost any currently active REALTORS have been in business. For that entire time equal opportunity and non discrimination has been emphasized. Your apology makes it seem like it was something done as a REALTOR policy during the career span of current REALTORS. Maybe I have had blinders on, so please educate me with specifics as to the REALTOR policies that were discriminatory and when they were in effect.
I would like to know, what is Charlie Oppler apologizing for specifically? “ What did realtors exactly do that was an “outrage to our morals and ideals”? I am tired of broad sweeping statements that do not specify what transgression we as realtors are guilty of. What exactly is he referring to when he says ” It was a betrayal of our commitment to fairness and equality,” I honestly don’t have any idea of what he’s talking about. I have been a realtor for 39 years, a broker for at least 20. I have worked with all kinds of agents and clients, buyers and sellers over the years and I have never run into anything that is deserving of his statements. Perhaps he is just jumping on the bandwagon like so many folks that feel compelled or pressured to say something that is politically correct for the times. I am not sure but I find this article irritating and uninformative but instead full of what someone expects someone to say as it’s “expected”
That is my honest opinion and I would really like to know the answers to my questions.
Pathetic. All this new NAR president does is harp on his notions of past discrimination. Speak for yourself Mr President, not for everyone else. Maybe you were guilty, but stop spreading your bull on top of everyone else. Sounds as though you should run for mayor of Portland, Oregon, or join the Squad. A new reason to abandon being a REALTOR.
I’m not apologizing for anything. i’ve always treated everyone fairly! Don’t count me in your
cowering submittal, please. I for one have NOTHING to apologize for.
“Equality, Inclusion and Acceptance” should apply to EVERYONE, including Caucasians. This is ridiculous! In over 30 years as a Realtor, I have yet to experience a Realtor treat anyone with other than consideration and professionalism. NAR in general and Realtors, in particular, should never back away from their history of equality, inclusion and acceptance. Shame on you for sucking into this prevailing attitude. And shame on the Chamber of Commerce! Shame on all of you for lumping every Realtor and Chamber member into your ridiculous and unjustified “apology”. You should apologize to US.
I have been selling Real estate for a little over five years and I have not seen a single instance where discrimination happened. Why are we apologizing for this? I know that I live in a more conservative and inclusive city in Missouri but we should as an inclusive and concerned business entity cherish the fact that there may be a few bad apples in the bunch but by far an extraordinary amount of Real Estate agents in this country are only wanting to be honest and do the very best for their clients no matter what race, religion, sexual preference, ethneticity, good bad or ugly that they present themselves as. It doesn’t matter who the clients are personally, they are all human beings worth our time and effort to perform a quality experience in purchasing or selling their properties. I personally will not apologize for doing everything I can to treat all of my clients as nothing less than the special people they are.
I do not know of any way I could have discriminated. I don’t like to be accused of doing so. Sheri
About what were we wrong? You said of the 20th century—Ive been a Realtor 41 years and NEVER encountered anything by the NAR or state boards that needs to be apologized about. How far back in history do we all have to go to apologizes for our —what should we call this—Realtor Shame? Realtor Privilege? We are all so horrible and shameful according to this years accusations. Name the polices, actions, verbiage etc that NAR used that was racist, unfair, against our standards of decency and fairness? Did I miss all that? I apologize for nothing. Im not a racist. Im not anti fair housing. Im have no ‘privilage’ of any type. You are what you make of yourself. EVERYONE in this country can make their own future.
Your article above said being anti biased is LONG OVER DUE??!! In 40 years Ive never known a biased, racist realtor who didn’t uphold the code of ethics, fair housing rules, etc. I apologize for nothing and I wont pander to those who throw guilt like a scatter gun. Will you print this
“We can’t go back to fix the mistakes of the past.” Really? Well that pretty much frames the scope of the inquiry right there now doesn’t it? So, an apology, is that like the same thing as . . . equity? The apology is long overdue, but not enough. The NAR can do more than this and more than trying to police people’s face book pages, which in the end will lead to a net zero.How about programs designed to increase Black Realtor membership up from a reported 6% to 13%? How about equity matches and grants for prospective Black homeowners in areas that NAR helped to redline? How about real affordable housing initiatives in areas that are still highly segregated and making those initiatives tied to Black homeownership? “I’m sorry we cheated you out of all that money, but there’s nothing we can do about it because it happened in the past?” Is that how justice works? Also, doesn’t the Newsday investigation at least raise the question that our industry actually continues to this day to turn a blind eye to rampant steering and discrimination especially in areas that were heavily redlined? So now the contempt that the segregation inspired may stay hidden within our ranks with a mandatory social media ethics rule, but the discrimination may or may not be rooted out with a merely voluntary broker self test policy?
I’m severely disappointed to see a new NAR President come into a new position and accuse Realtors of egregious acts of racism. I’m very proud of my Realtor Peers in the state of Arizona. We have a very diverse market and I have not ever seen in 17 years in this business a more professional and conscientious group of men and women work together in a professional manner to be fair and honest in our dealings with the public. I don’t feel this is an accurate depiction of Arizona Realtors and I actually am insulted that the act of a few individuals would cast a shadow on a large professional organization with a very good reputation.
I take offense at the wording. Not all REALTORS® are to blame for past mistakes, but that appears to be the tone of this message. It would be more appropriate to have said “…that what SOME REALTORS® did was shameful, and we are sorry.” Lumping everyone together does a disservice to those who have strived throughout their career to uphold the highest ideals of fairness and equality.
I may be reading this entire situation wrong and if so I apologize. It seems to me that a few have made a decision for the many based on the actions or perceived actions that a few have committed. The headline I read earlier that NAR is “cracking down on hate speech” and now that “NAR president apologizes for past policies that contributed to Racial Inequality” are offensive to me. These phrases makes it sound as if those practices of hate speech and racial inequality are rampant in our industry. I beg to differ. There are many of us in the industry that take the oath of ethics to heart and abide by the laws that guard against discrimination of protected classes, not because we have to but because it is the right thing to do.
I find it offensive that the President of the association is apologizing for something I had no part in and that the association finds it necessary to stifle my right to voice an opinion that may differ from someone else. I do not practice hate speech, however, someone having a bad day in our current environment could bring a complaint against me if I quote a particular scripture or a verse from a hymn. These types of complaints could lead to more heartache and animosity in an already volatile environment. I truly believe in your attempt to correct what some feel they should apologize for and throwing a broad blanket on the entire association the situation has shed a bad light on all of us, those of us who try to follow the guidelines set forth by the laws of the land but more importantly those that try to do the right thing because it’s the right thing to do. There are times it is best to take a deep breath, count to ten before one just jumps on a bandwagon. I truly hope you will reconsider your stand on the need for recent change. Let’s move forward in a positive direction including everyone and treating everyone with the respect they deserve.
Thank you, I am a broker in Las Vegas and have worked hard for the past 10 years to represent the entire community regardless of race, or color. As a female, african american with latin descent my company focuses on empowering and creating wealth amongst all barriers in the Las Vegas community. Your efforts are appreciated, because I spend a lot of time educating and counseling minority buyers on how to save, budget and establish excellent credit history. For many of my potential clients these issues take time because of the lack of knowledge, and all the other disparities that they have faced in the housing industry. It brings me joy when I am able to complete a transaction and provide homeownership to african americans throughout the entire Las Vegas valley. As a broker I have spent countless hours teaching and counseling to assist educate the minority clients at no charge. So it brings me joy, that these issues have been brought to the front as an important agenda as we move forward in healing the land.
What did/are “we” doing wrong? These are loud words in an article that does not specifically outline what “we” REALTORS did wrong admittedly by the new president.
Who is this “WE”. Speak for yourself.
NAR doesn’t have policies that discriminate. Realtors treat all customers fairly. You are obviously caving into White Privilege. I cringe to have to pay NAR dues if you’re going to start apologizing for something that doesn’t exist.
I missed something. What did “we” do that is an outrage? You must be talking about someone else. I work with a strong group of professionals in my company and market area. Speak for yourself.
Extremely offended. You do not speak for me or my community. 25 years in the business and I have nothing, and have witnessed nothing, to apologize for. What exactly did we, as REALTORS, do?
There are bad apples in all professions, all neighborhoods, all groups, etc., but you have just lumped all REALTORS into one. Isn’t that exactly what we are never to do? Lump one group of people into one opinion?