Jordan Grice and Jesse Williams

Jordan Grice is a contributor for RISMedia and Jesse Williams is content director for RISMedia Premier.

Comments 9

  1. Julie Cambra says:

    It is, and always has been, the Sellers Agent who offers a percentage of their commission to the Co-operating Agent with the Sellers agreement as to the percentage.
    This other Agent could be a Buyers Agent or also representing the Seller.
    This percentage is not fixed, except by market forces, and can vary from listing to listing.
    Where is the room for collusion?
    NAR has never told me what to charge!

    • says:

      I totally agree.

    • Elizabeth Wiggins says:


    • Eugenia Traglia says:

      Absolutely! If there ends up being no buyer’s agent at all then the LA keeps all of THEIR commission to represent both parties on the transaction. People have this so mixed up.

  2. Robert Kelsey says:

    Now that selling prices for prime properties run into the multi-million dollar range, perhaps the client should expect to negotiate the commission

  3. Betty Mann-Beebe says:

    The Seller agrees to a commission to selling Broker. What the selling Broker does with the commission his to decide. Selling Broker can offer a portion to a Buyers Broker to help sell the property. How is that anti-trust if both parties are aware?

  4. It seems apparent to me that our seller was once a buyer and reaped the benefits of the seller paying the buyer’s agent commission, if the buyer elected to be represented. I am witness to and been a part of commissions being altered just like sales price during the terms of the negotiations in the transaction. The Texas listing agreement is very clear as to how the commissions are distributed to both the listing Broker and selling Broker.

  5. Pamela S Zibell says:

    Although there have been some excessive commissions paid with our over heated market. But it has a long time since I charged a 6% commission. Some as low as 4% and that is split amoung brokers and agents. Additionally, most agents I know pay for inspections, help with closing costs or repairs to keep deals together. There has to be some adjustments but I think the tone is unfair and doesn’t show the true picture of agent compensation.

  6. Mary Demo says:

    the “fix” will create many more problems than existed before. a major screw up by NAR to settle.

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